Friday, October 19, 2012

The Thinker - What was he thinking about?

Auguste Rodin made what is considered by some the most famous sculpture in the whole world. It is called the thinker. I knew about this famous sculpture throughout my life, and it seems that everyone I talk to knows about it, too. But what was this character thinking about? I always thought it was just a representation of mankind in general, man the philosopher, trying to figure out deep things.

But what was he thinking about? Can we know? Does he represent mankind in general, or any certain individual?

Apparently, he seems to represent Dante, the author of Inferno. Around the year 1890, Rodin (1840-1917) "completed" a huge work known as The Gates of Hell (It is about 20 feet tall!) Near the top, at the center, is the Thinker! Around him, people are falling into Hell, to their eternal punishment.

Dante, (Dante Alighieri 1265-1321), wrote Inferno, which is Italian for Hell. In his work, over the entrance of Hell the famous qoute is found, "Abandon all hope, those who enter here." Rodin carried this book around in his pocket for years! Dante was the thinker, and the very sober doom of people who die without Jesus, of people who die in their sins, was the general bent of his thought!

The original "thinker" is at the top under the topmost 3 figures.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Of The "Apostolic" Denomination

There are people today who call themselves "Apostolic." They say that there are not 3 persons in the Godhead, but only 3 manifestations. "Jesus only" is one of their sayings, from what I understand.

I hope any who are inclined in this direction will sincerely consider some of God's revelation about this important subject, and I hope they will let God be true, and not be mislead.

We know that when Jesus was preparing to leave the earth after His resurrection, He said,

"Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) Jesus wasn't trying to trick anyone, He really does have a Father...He really does have a God.

Jesus said that He has a a Father and a God. This is consistent with what we find in 1 Corinthians 11:3 which says, "the head of Christ is God." Paul, speaking after the ascension of the Messiah, declared that the head of the Anointed One is (not was) God (God the Father).

"that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him," (Ephesians 1:17) We find Paul again speaking in the present tense, and decades after the ascension of Messiah. Jesus was already glorified, but He is not the only person in the Godhead; there is One who is greater (equal in essence, but greater in role, like a general and a private are both men, and so they are equal in essence, but they are not equal in their military roles).

Three Persons, one Essence. Triunity. "God in three persons, blessed Trinity!" Magnify the LORD with me, let us exalt His name together!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Christians and Remarriage

Believers and those who want to be mindful of God's revelation ought to keep in mind some important points before they consider remarriage! This post is not meant to be exhaustive but helpful.

You could say that true marriage (between a man and a woman) is a two step process.
      Step A) Vows are made legally in the eyes of the state, and before witnesses.
      Step B)  God recognizes these vows being taken and in His eyes the 2 become 1

Divorce in the eyes of the state nullifies Step A, but to a certain extent the couple is still one according to step B. (Please note: this does not mean it is all right for them to be intimate before restoring Step A.) However, this point about the remaining union is very important. As long as these individuals remain pure from other unions, there is hope and concern about the union. Should one of the divorced partners go and remarry, this breaks Step B between the first couple.

If a person divorces from a second spouse and wants to remarry their first spouse, they are not to do so. The Bible states very plainly that this is defiling. (Deut. 24:1-4; Jer. 3:1)

If a person has been divorced according to Step A, even for decades, they should not feel free to remarry if the one they have been divorced from has not remarried.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dare to be a Daniel

I love the song Dare to be a Daniel! The words and music were both written by Philip Bliss. It calls for people who will take God's commands seriously. "Standing by a purpose true, Heeding God's command, Honor them the faithful few! All hail to Daniel's Band!" They may start off as solitary figures. Others may join them, or they may die as martyrs. The results? God is pleased and glorified. They are a testimony of light amid great darkness.

I think of men like John Huss, Martin Luther, and John Wycliffe. These men heard God calling, and they stepped out boldly and in faith. They were mightily used of God. God tells us to honor men like this. There are many battles today, and the hosts of Satan seem to be gaining ground all around us. I pray that Daniels will step forward into the gaps. I pray that others will join them. May all believers cheer on the Daniels of the world.

"Hold the Gospel banner high! On to victory grand! Satan and his host defy, and shout for Daniel's Band! Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone, Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known!

Daniel may even have been made a eunuch. Weak and alone, he stood up to all the might of Babylon, the greatest of earthly kingdoms, the head of gold. A few friends joined him. They would not bow to idols. They would be true to God, even if it cost them their lives. I applaud their example!